Today’s Focus: Swallowtail and More…


I am unable to write about US politics without anger. I need to step away and focus on the swallowtail and other matters that don’t involve the President, Congress, etc. But politics is everywhere, including the lives of butterflies. Extreme weather, a byproduct of global warming, is destroying insect habitats. Stop. Focus on the positive. That last statement echoes down an empty hallway where the lights are flickering…is the power grid about to go down? Focus. Breathe in.  Make a birdhouse. Help an elderly person across the street. Breath out. Hope.

3 responses to “Today’s Focus: Swallowtail and More…”

  1. Rich,

    I agree with you. It is so hard to watch the news. I saw several monarch butterflies in the backyard today. In fact, it was a smorgasbord of butterflies zipping in and around the flowers. I thought if you.


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  2. I read about how it has been determined that increased temperatures due to global warming are causing the plant that Monarchs depend upon, the Milkweed plant, to be toxic to Monarchs. The current Administration’s actions on the environment are making me sick (and the world sick).

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  3. I’ll read up on that–I have milkweed growing allover the front yard. However, we are close to the ocean–it’s not been hot here. Regardless, there haven’t been many butterflies this year. Our season is September and October. The current administration is our greatest environmental threat.


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